Jason Larzelere
Program Director of Baseball Operations
Jason Larzelere is the WARRIORS SOAR Coach, General Manager, and often participates as a player for our Wounded Military Veteran Baseball team in San Antonio Texas. “After being injured in combat and being recognized by the Air Force, so many people have been willing to help, and for me this is something that’s always been somewhat uncomfortable. Brent Fountain with the San Antonio chapter of WARRIORS SOAR reached out to me about being a possible camper at the 2023 Fantasy Baseball Camp. I knew it was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up. I can honestly say I didn’t know what to expect but what I got out of it was life-changing. I learned there are so many other veterans like myself that just need to get away from reality for a period of time and just be a kid again. For that, I will always be grateful. As a result of my successful initial Fantasy Baseball Camp experience, I decided to start a WARRIORS SOAR Baseball team in San Antonio, Texas. It is my way of saying thank you to local wounded military veterans and play baseball together.”
Jason Larzelere USAF (Ret.) was in injured in combat in 2008 and was medically retired for injuries he sustained while serving our country.
Jason is Married wife (Janice) with 1 child (Jase) and works for the Office of Personnel Management.